Recruitment Centers

Job seekers are tired of applying to jobs and having no idea where their application went, who saw it, or if the ATS kicked it out. Today's job seeker is much more savvy, and expects an immediacy of both information and interaction when they are applying for a job. Employers who are looking to attract the best and the brightest are always looking for ways to stand out among their competition. Why have a job seeker apply to a job when you can meet and interact with them in a fully interactive Virtual Recruitment Center. The Recruitment Center is there for you to use anytime you like, and for any kind of recruiting event. Your Recruitment Center is available 24/7/365 and enables you to meet and interact, in real time, with job seekers from anywhere they have internet access. Host an internal career fair to encourage employees to consider jobs in other locations, or meet with students on dozens of campuses in one day. Place a link to your Recruitment Center on your career page, schedule career fair days, and watch the talent pour in.
Each Recruitment Center Includes:
- Free design
- Free training
- Detailed reporting
- Marketing (addl charge)
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